State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

A Historic Vote to Repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

Historic Vote to Repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

week, I proudly cast my vote for legislation to repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell” (DADT) policy. For far tPassing a Historic Repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell Policyoo long, men and women with the courage and commitment to serve our nation have been asked to hide the truth about who they
are. This is shameful, it’s bad policy, and it needed to end. In a speech
on the Senate floor prior to final passage, I urged my colleagues to repeal
this failed policy and told the story of Major Margaret Witt, from Washington
state, who was discharged under DADT.

my speech
| Watch my speech

“Locals hail
vote on gays in military”
– The Seattle Times


Tax Cuts for Middle Class Families

Last week, I voted to give struggling Washington families the
immediate tax relief they need. The compromise bill that I supported extends
important tax cuts to middle class Washington state families, includes an
extension of our state sales tax deduction, and extends unemployment insurance
for 13 months for out of work Washington state workers. While I’m proud to have
fought to help middle class families across our state, I am angry that
Republicans played political games and held the middle class hostage to secure
tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.

my full statement
on the vote and learn what these tax cuts mean for
your family.

“Bipartisan tax package the best
available deal”
– The
Seattle Times


for a Path to Citizenship for Washington State Students

I am extremely disappointed that Senate Republicans once
again blocked a vote last week on the DREAM Act, which would give a select
group of undocumented students a path to become permanent residents if they
came to this country as children, are long-term U.S. residents, have good moral
character, and attend college for at least two years or enlist in the military.
This is common-sense legislation that would help so many young people in
Washington state and across the country and I’m not going to stop working to
pass the DREAM Act. I’m also not going to stop working toward the comprehensive
immigration reform that our country needs. – Details


Job Opportunities for Veterans

Last week, I voted to expand benefits for veterans who served
after the attacks of September 11th. The Post-9/11 GI Bill passed the Senate by
unanimous consent and expands opportunities for veterans to use their benefits
for education, apprenticeship, and on-the-job training programs. Earlier this
year I introduced the Veterans’ Employment Act of 2010, a bill that would have
allowed veterans to use GI Bill benefits for workforce training programs. I’m
glad the brave men and women returning home from duty have more opportunities
to help get our economy back on track. – Details


Strengthening Science and Math Programs
in Washington State Schools


A bill to strengthen and expand science and math programs
in schools across Washington state and the country passed the Senate last week.
The America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 includes provisions to expand
science and mathematics programs at all points in our education system and
directs business and the federal government to coordinate with science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education programs to help
create innovative educational opportunities, increase research investment, and
improve economic competitiveness. – Details

