State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

AUDIO: Senator Murray, Washington Health Advocates and Patients Highlight “What We Stand to Lose” if Republicans Rush Through Anti-Health Care, Anti-Reproductive Health Supreme Court Nominee

On news conference call with a local Planned Parenthood leader and patients from Washington state, Senator Murray discussed the grave threat Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination poses to the future of affordable health care and abortion rights 

Senator Murray also reiterated her urgent call for Senate Republicans to listen to the American people and wait to fill Justice Ginsburg’s Supreme Court seat 

Senator Murray: People across the country “know full well what is at stake with this court fight. They know that people’s rights are on the line…their lives are on the line. That’s why people are standing up, speaking out, and fighting tooth and nail to stop this nomination”  


ICYMI: With Health Care and Reproductive Rights at Stake, Senator Murray Launches Story Drive to Help Washingtonians Speak Out Against Republicans’ Rushed SCOTUS Nomination – MORE HERE

(Washington, D.C.) – On a conference call with reproductive health advocates and patients from Washington state, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), the top Democrat on the Senate health committee, highlighted Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s extreme opposition to health care reform and reproductive health care, and discussed the threat her nomination would pose to laws and policies enshrining affordable health care, protections for pre-existing conditions, and access to safe, legal abortion. The news conference call came after reports that Senate Republicans are planning to move forward with their plans to try and jam Judge Barrett on to the Supreme Court in a rushed process, in spite of Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s decision to adjourn the Senate following some of its members—including members of the Senate Judiciary Committee—announcing they had contracted COVID-19.

“This is such a critical time in our nation for so many people, on so many levels,” Senator Murray said in opening remarks during the conference call. “It is … important to keep raising our voices against Senate Republican’s blatant hypocrisy and indifference in trying to rush and fill Justice Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court.”

“There is no question President Trump chose Judge Barrett because he believes she would rule to strike down health care for families across the country, end protections for pre-existing conditions and end safe, legal abortion in this country—this has been his whole judicial agenda from the start,” Senator Murray added.  

During the discussion, Senator Murray heard from Jennifer Allen, CEO of Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawai’i about the offensive and dire consequences facing women and families if Judge Barrett is appointed to fill Justice Ginsburg’s Supreme Court seat and votes to overturn Roe v. Wade and other vital rights, as well as two women from Washington state who shared their personal stories about the importance of having access to reproductive health care and their fears regarding how Judge Barrett and a conservative Supreme Court majority would rule on important cases impacting health care and more. Senator Murray reiterated her strong opposition to Judge Barrett and her record, as well as Senate Republicans’ brazen efforts to try and rush her on to the nation’s highest court, noting that Judge Barrett was hand-picked by President Trump to help overturn affordable health care, eliminate protections for pre-existing conditions, and criminalize abortions. Senator Murray also continued to urge Washingtonians and people across the nation to keep raising their voices to push Senate Republicans’ to listen to the American people and allow the next President to fill Justice Ginsburg’s seat.


“I, like so many others, remember life before Roe v Wade—and we cannot go back to those days when abortion was available only to the wealthy, was unsafe, or both,” continued Senator Murray on the call. “As we continue fighting against the nomination in the Senate, I’ll be taking your stories with me to the other Washington to make clear what we stand to lose.”

Listen to full audio of the news conference call HERE.

Excerpt of Senator Murray’s opening remarks, as prepared:

“This is such a critical time in our nation for so many people, on so many levels—and with the Senate on recess right now, it is even more important to keep raising our voices against Senate Republican’s blatant hypocrisy and indifference in trying to rush and fill Justice Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court.

“So I’m glad to join advocates and patients here in Washington state today to share their own stories, and discuss what is at stake for our country with this nomination—including the future of affordable health care and safe, legal abortion.

“To be clear, Republicans have been dragging their feet for months on much needed relief to make things better—but now, they are rushing to confirm another anti-health care Supreme Court justice, in the middle of a pandemic, who could make things so much worse.

“There is no question President Trump chose Judge Barrett because he believes she would rule to strike down health care for families across the country, end protections for pre-existing conditions and end safe, legal abortion in this country—this has been his whole judicial agenda from the start.

“Don’t forget: he has said repeatedly that he would seek out judges who would rule against families’ health care. And he tweeted the day after he nominated Judge Barrett, that a ruling to strike down the Affordable Care Act, and upend health care in our country in the middle of a pandemic, would be a ‘big win.’

“That’s not all: Judge Barrett herself has been just as clear where she stands, and she has criticized past rulings in favor of families’ health care.

“Republicans have made clear they are dead-set on rushing Judge Barrett onto the court before this election—before the people have their say on the matter—so she will be there in time to hear their partisan lawsuit to gut families’ health care.

“A Republican victory in their lawsuit would mean health care is even more expensive, as protections for pre-existing conditions and caps on patients out of pocket costs go away, limits on their annual and lifetime benefits come back, young adults lose the option of staying on their parents’ plan, and seniors face higher drug costs as the Medicare donut hole that we closed is reopened.

“And we can’t forget another one of the biggest reasons Republicans are so determined to fill this vacancy is that they want to end safe, legal abortion in the United States, and go back to the days when women had to pay extra on top of insurance for their birth control—which let’s be clear, is essential health care for those who need it.

“Judge Barrett signed onto a letter explicitly calling to put an end to the QUOTE “barbaric” legacy of Roe v. Wade.

“So women—and men—across the country know full well what is at stake with this court fight. They know that people’s rights are on the line, their health is on the line, their economic independence is on the line—their lives are on the line.

“That’s why people are standing up, speaking out, and fighting tooth and nail to stop this nomination. And why I’m fighting with them every step of the way—today and in the days to come.
