State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Bipartisan Senators Discuss Importance of Securing Tanker Contract for American Workers, Keeping Jobs at Home

D.C.) –Today, a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators dedicated to supporting jobs
for American workers sent a message to the Obama Administration about the
importance of the tanker contract in creating jobs, supporting American
companies, and ensuring a future for the aerospace industry in their states.

“A win for the Boeing tanker
and America’s aerospace workers would be a big step forward in our efforts to
‘win the future”
said Senator Patty Murray (D-WA).  “American
jobs, our industrial base, and economic growth is on the line in all of our
states with this critical contract. I know that the aerospace workers in my
state are hungry for this contract, can start producing these tankers tomorrow,
and will deliver for our men and women in uniform.”

“Job creation in the United States should start with the
procurement of a Boeing tanker,”
said Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS). “Awarding
this contract to Boeing will create an estimated 7,500 jobs and represents an
annual $388 million economic impact to Kansas. Boeing’s proposal is based on a
proven platform founded on the expertise of Kansas workers. It is time to award
this contract and put folks to work.”

“American tax dollars should
support American products from American companies that create American jobs,”

said Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI). “This contract will be awarded
to one of two companies, and if the American company is chosen it means 450
critically needed jobs in Michigan.   I recently visited 350 workers
at a Michigan plant whose jobs will be impacted by this decision.  The Air
Force’s new tanker should be built here at home.”

“On a fair and level playing
field, American workers will win every time,”
said Senator Maria
(D-WA). “But the tanker competition has been anything but fair
and level. Airbus has attempted to underbid Boeing with the help of billions of
dollars in illegal, market-distorting subsidies. During this final home
stretch, I urge the Administration to give American workers a fair chance – and
to make sure the tanker contract is not awarded on terms that violate
international trade laws.”

“Our skilled Kansas work
force is ready to support our men and women in uniform with the best tanker,”

said Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS). “The Pentagon should consider all
the facts in this competition, including billions in illegal
subsidies. With a national unemployment rate of 9%, the Pentagon should
not be working against American manufacturing and its workers. Given a fair
competition, I am confident the Air Force will ultimately make the right
decision for America’s warfighters, workers, and taxpayers.”
