State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

EX-IM—Murray to Republicans: Unacceptable to Let Key Job-Creating Agency Expire; Work with Democrats to Reauthorize as Quickly as Possible

Agency helps businesses in Washington state sell goods overseas, create jobs at home


Murray vows to keep working to reauthorize agency that has strong bipartisan support

(Washington, D.C.) – Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) released the following statement after Senate Republican leaders ended the Senate work period without allowing a vote to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank.


“The Export-Import Bank is an important tool to create jobs and grow the economy in Washington state and across the country. I am extremely disappointed that Republican leaders pushed us into a completely unnecessary shutdown of this job-creating agency that a majority of Democrats and Republicans in Congress support without giving us a chance to reauthorize it.


“The Export-Import Bank is critical to workers and businesses in Washington state. We produce some of the best products in the world, including apples, airplane parts, wine, software, and medical training supplies, and so much more. The self-supporting Export-Import Bank allows businesses both big and small to ship their goods around the world, and as a result – these industries support tens of thousands of jobs in Washington state alone. It helps our economy grow from the middle out, not just the top down—and it’s the kind of tool our country needs to compete in the 21st century global economy we live in.


“So I urge Republicans to bring reauthorization up for a vote as soon as possible. I continue to stand in strong support of reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank— and I will keep fighting for it for as long as it takes.”

