Senator Patty Murray press release

Following Push From Murray, Biden Administration Puts Insurers on Notice For Failing to Cover Birth Control As Required By Law

Following push from Senator Murray, Secretaries of Health, Labor, and Treasury send out warning to companies about failing to provide birth control coverage required by law

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, released the following statement in response to news that Secretary of Health Becerra, Secretary of Labor Walsh, and Secretary of the Treasury Yellen sent a letter to group health plans and health insurance issuers reminding them of their obligations under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to provide coverage for contraceptive services at no cost.

“It has never been more important we fight to defend women’s reproductive rights on every single front—which is why last year I called for the Biden Administration to crack down on insurers who are breaking the law and putting up barriers between patients and their birth control. Patients should not have to jump through hoops or pay extra just to get the birth control they need to stay healthy and plan a family on their own terms—especially when we already have laws on the books to stop that.

“This is an encouraging step, but if we are going to defend women and patients from the wave of harsh restrictions already crashing down after the Supreme Court struck down Roe—it must be one of many. Because Republicans have not only struck down Roe and ripped away the right to an abortion, but they have also made it clear they have their sights on the right to birth control next. I am going to keep pressing for a whole-of-government response to this crisis, and for people to fight for reproductive rights this November with their voice and their vote.”

Senator Murray has long been focused on ensuring people can get the birth control they need. She sent a letter to the Secretaries last year calling for them to protect access to birth control and take action against insurers failing to provide coverage as required by law.

Senator Murray also led a letter earlier this year demanding answers from the nation’s largest pharmacy benefits managers amid ongoing reports of illegally delaying or denying patient insurance coverage for birth control.

