State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

ICYMI: Highlights from Senator Murray’s Visits to Toledo, Vancouver

In Toledo, Senator Murray met with local students, educators, elected officials, and small business owners to promote her new Digital Equity Act, which would create two new federal grant programs to promote digital literacy and education programs in communities nationwide 

During a roundtable in Vancouver, Senator Murray heard from local union members and leaders about how organized labor had helped them in the workplace, and shared details on her recently-introduced Protecting the Right to Organize Act that strengthens federal protections for workers to form a union 

In an interview with KUOW, Senator Murray emphasized the importance of protecting women’s health and reproductive rights, and discussed her EACH Woman Act, which would make reproductive health care more accessible to the women who need it most

The Tri-City Herald highlighted the work Senator Murray has done to ensure that Hanford workers receive the back pay they are due

(Washington, D.C.)  – Last week, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) returned to her home state of Washington to discuss several pieces of recently-introduced legislation aimed at protecting and empowering workers, women, and families. Wednesday in Toledo and Vancouver, Senator Murray met with workers, educators, students, union members, and business leaders to discuss the challenges they face and what Senator Murray is doing to fight for workers’ rights and to close the digital equity gap. The day prior, Senator Murray sat down for an interview with KUOW’s Kim Malcolm to discuss recent threats against women’s access to reproductive health care and the Senator’s latest efforts to defend women’s health and reproductive rights. Additionally, last Sunday, the Tri-City Herald recognized the work that Senator Murray has done to ensure that Hanford workers are being fairly compensated. Check out some of the coverage from Senator Murray’s latest events, and what she’s doing in the U.S. Senate to stand up for Washington state’s working families, below:

The Columbian: In Vancouver, Sen. Murray touts bill backing unions // Calley Hair

“We have seen the economy working really well for those at the top and corporations. I continue to hear from people at the bottom that their rights are eroding,” Murray said at the forum, held at the Laborers’ International Union hall. “It’s harder and harder for people to get together and fight for themselves, their families and their co-workers.”

The Daily News: Sen. Murray proposes grants to expand digital literacy // Rose Lundy

“We are becoming a nation of haves and have-nots when it comes to having access to digital, and it means everything,” Murray told a small group of school officials and local business owners. “For our young people especially, this is the world they’re going to live in. I want to make sure they have that capacity to go on and be competitive no matter where they live or how they get there.”

Tri-City Herald: Hanford union worker pay dispute stalled. Then Sen. Patty Murray stepped in // Annette Cary

“As a voice for Hanford and Washington state in Congress, I commend the members of Local 598 for bringing this to light, and am glad I was able to help push the federal government to do what’s right in taking the first step toward making these workers whole,” Murray said. She said she would continue to make sure that Hanford employees “get every last penny they’ve worked for.”

The Daily Chronicle: Sen. Murray Visits Toledo, Praises Community’s Success on Broadband // Alex Brown

Meanwhile, Toledo School District Superintendent Chris Rust said Murray’s Digital Equity Act could help close gaps in struggling communities. While the district has high-speed Internet thanks to ToledoTel, it still relies on hand-me-down computers from the state. “Your proposed bill would address some of those shortfalls experienced by rural communities,” he said. “We look forward to that passing.”

KUOW: Sen. Murray: ‘This Supreme Court really concerns me’ // Kim Malcolm, Andy Hurst

“The fact is when a woman has an unplanned pregnancy, for whatever reason she is in… They have a right to make that health care choice, based on themselves, based on their partner, based on their own religion, their own faith. That’s what should govern this.”
