State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Investing in High Speed Rail: Getting People and Goods Moving

On Thursday, I announced that Washington state will receive $590
million in federal funding for high speed rail upgrades in the Pacific
Northwest Cascades corridor.  The funding is part of a major high-speed
rail initiative that, as Chairman of the Senate Transportation Appropriations
Subcommittee, I helped to include in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
(ARRA).  Since last year, when the Pacific Northwest was named one of the
10 potential regions to receive funds for high speed rail, I have worked with
U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood to build support for states like ours
where the groundwork for high speed rail lines has been underway and where
improvements would help provide an alternative to congested roadways and spur
economic activity.  –  Details

to get $590 million for high-speed rail improvements”

– Seattle Times

Oregon to get $590 M for high-speed rail”
– Associated Press


of the Union: Top Priority is Getting Our Economy Back on Track

On Wednesday, President Obama spoke directly to the American
people about creating jobs, getting our economy back on track, moving forward
with health insurance reform, holding big Wall Street accountable, and
protecting our nation. The President’s first State of the Union speech came at
a critical time, with many across our state and nation anxious about the
direction of the economy and our country.

Read my reaction
to President Obama’s speech.


Working for our State’s Wheat Growers

Last Tuesday, I was honored to receive the Washington
Association of Wheat Growers’ “Legislator
of the Year” award for my efforts to advance Washington’s wheat industry.
 The Washington Association of Wheat Growers (WAWG), which represents
wheat farmers throughout our state, is a non-profit group dedicated to the
enrichment of the Washington wheat industry.  I will continue to work to
provide our agricultural community with the tools and resources they need to
succeed in this competitive global market.  –  Details


Qualified and Respected Judge Confirmed to Eastern Washington Bench

Last Monday, I delivered a speech on the Senate floor urging my
colleagues to support Gonzaga Law Professor Rosanna Peterson to be the next
District Court judge for the Eastern District of Washington State.  In the
speech, I praised Peterson’s work ethic, professionalism, and understanding of
the law. After the speech, the Senate voted unanimously to confirm Judge
Peterson as the first women to serve on Eastern District bench.  Peterson’s
nomination was the product of the bipartisan selection commission I worked to
help create in our state.

  |   Listen to
my speech

Peterson confirmed to federal bench” – Spokesman
