State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Announces New Beds for Homeless Veterans

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash) announced that the federal government will provide more than $700,000 to assist homeless veterans in Walla Walla and Kitsap County.

In Walla Walla, the funding will renovate two buildings to create 14 new beds for homeless veterans. In Kitsap County, funding will provide 40 beds, a new service center, and a van to provide transportation for homeless veterans.

“For too long, homeless veterans have been forgotten heroes. These new facilities and services will make a big difference for those who deserve our respect and support. These veterans were there for us, and now we need to be there for them,” Murray said. “As more veterans return home from serving our country overseas, I’m working to make sure they get the healthcare and other support they need to make a smooth transition.”

Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs Director John Lee said the funding will address an important need.

“Since 2000, Washington State has been working to create programs offering transitional services for veterans in need,” said Director Lee. “We appreciate the VA’s willingness to provide funds as we continue working toward making transitional programs a reality.”

Murray is leading an effort in the Senate to ensure returning veterans get the assistance they need. She has held roundtables with returning service members in Seattle, Spokane, Port Orchard, Everett, Pasco, and Longview. On August 3rd, Murray chaired a Senate hearing in Seattle to examine if returning veterans are getting the assistance they need.

Senator Murray works on veterans’ issues as a senior member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee. Murray also promotes housing as the highest-ranking Democrat on the Senate committee that funds federal housing programs (Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Treasury, the Judiciary, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies).

Details on the grants follow:

WALLA WALLA – 2 Facilities – $400,000

The VA is awarding $400,000 to the Housing Authority of Walla Walla for the acquisition and new construction of buildings at 1020 West Chestnut and 918 West Willow Street in Walla Walla to create transitional housing that will provide 14 beds for homeless veterans.

KITSAP COUNTY – 40 Beds, a New Service Center & a Van – $317,211

The VA is awarding $317,211 to the State of Washington to:

  • Provide 40 beds for homeless veterans by renovating a building in Retsil, Washington at 1141 Beach Drive East;

  • Create a service center to provide 200 contacts with veterans each month;

  • Purchase a van to provide transportation for homeless veterans.

The grants are funded through the federal Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care for Homeless Veterans program.


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