State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Celebrates Tanker Win for Boeing, Washington State Workers

long-awaited decision by the Pentagon is the right one for our military, our
taxpayers and our nation’s aerospace workers. 

a time when our economy is hurting and good-paying aerospace jobs are critical
to our recovery, this decision is great news for the skilled workers of Everett
and the thousands of suppliers across the country who will help build this
critical tanker for our Air Force.

decision is a major victory for the American workers, the American aerospace
industry and America’s military.   And it is consistent with the
President’s own call to ‘out-innovate’ and ‘out-build’ the rest of the world.

when competing against an illegally subsidized foreign competitor, Boeing’s
skilled workforce proved that they have the know-how and the product that can
best serve our military.  And it is finally time to get this Boeing tanker
into the hands of our men and women in uniform. 

has been a long and hard-fought competition, but I have been proud to stand
side-by-side with our state’s aerospace workers and I look forward to being
there when the first new tanker rolls off the line.”

