State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Chosen Top Democrat on Employment, Safety and Training Subcommittee

(WASHINGTON, D.C) – Senator Patty Murray has been chosen to serve as the Ranking Democrat on the Employment, Safety and Training Subcommittee of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee.

Her new position gives Murray the opportunity to champion issues facing working families in Washington state and across the country.

“While we are all concerned about our national security, we must take the necessary steps to protect our economic security as well. Worker safety, unemployment assistance and worker retraining are critical to the continued strength and security of our nation,” Senator Murray said. “I look forward to using my new position to continue to advocate for working families on issues of worker safety, job security, equal pay and worker rights.”

Senator Murray has a long history of involvement in workplace issues. Among her top priorities upon entering the Senate in 1993 was passing the national Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which she helped pass in February of that year. Murray’s advocacy for working families has continued as a leader on minimum wage and equal pay, job training, health and pension benefits, and unemployment insurance.

“Employment issues affect all of our families and every sector of our economy from transportation to healthcare. I look forward to working with my colleagues to bring a strong Washington state perspective to employment issues in the United States Senate,” Murray said.

Senator Murray serves on two other HELP subcommittees, the Children’s Subcommittee and the Aging Subcommittee. Murray also serves on the Appropriations Committee, the Budget Committee and the Veterans’ Affairs Committee where she is the first women to ever serve. Murray takes the place of her late friend and colleague, Paul Wellstone on the Employment, Safety and Training Subcommittee.
