State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray on Blunt Amendment Defeat: Woman and Families Won This Battle, But We Need to Remain Vigilant

Watch Senator Murray’s Floor Speech

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) released the following statement after the Senate defeated the Blunt amendment that would allow employers to cut off preventive coverage for their employees. The amendment was tabled by of a vote 51-48.

“Women and families across America can breathe a sigh of relief that this radical amendment was blocked by Senate Democrats today. 

“It was absolutely appalling that Republicans forced us to spend days and days dealing with contraception and women’s health, but I am hopeful that we can now get back to work on legislation to create jobs and invest in communities across America.

“It was shameful, but not surprising.  Republicans have clearly realized that if the conversation is about jobs and the economy, they lose. So they’ve made a concerted effort in this election year to attack women’s health care in an attempt to change the subject and rile up their extreme right-wing base. They seem to believe that their path to victory on Election Day runs straight through the women’s health clinic.

“Republicans may have lost this battle, but there’s no indication that they are going to give up attacking women’s health as a political strategy.

“So I want to make it very clear, we will continue standing up for women, for families, and for their health care needs. We want to get back to work to create jobs and boost the economy, but we stand ready to fight back against amendments like this as long as Republicans keep bringing them up.”
