State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Provides $400,000 for Citizens for a Safe Yakima Valley Law Enforcement Initiative

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) included $400,000 to help local law enforcement in Yakima increase patrols, purchase new equipment and provide an increased neighborhood presence as part of the Citizens for a Safe Yakima Valley program. The funding was included in the 2008 Senate Commerce, Justice, and Science (CJS) Appropriations bill. Senator Murray is a member of the Appropriations Committee. 

"This funding will help law enforcement on the ground in Yakima," Murray stated.  "Last year I held a law enforcement roundtable in Yakima, and heard about the need for more resources in the Yakima Valley to combat crime and increased gang activity.  These funds will allow the City of Yakima to conduct anti-gang sweeps, purchase equipment, and create a more visible presence in the community."

Yakima Mayor Dave Edler applauded Murray’s efforts, "Senator Murray’s efforts will make a difference when it comes to making our neighborhoods safer.  The citizens of Yakima will benefit greatly from these funds.  This is another positive step towards reclaiming our neighborhoods.”

The Citizens for a Safe Yakima project is the top legislative priority of the City of Yakima.  To combat an increase in violent crime in Yakima, the city is implementing this project to provide emphasis sweeps, target gang activity including graffiti, and use new equipment and technology to eliminate and prevent violent crime.  Law enforcement would use these funds to conduct sweeps over the next year and purchase digital equipment to monitor graffiti enforcement.

The CJS Appropriations bill was passed out of committee today.  It will now move to the Senate Floor for deliberation by the full Senate.
