State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Statement on Gulf Oil Spill Report

D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray, Chairman of the Senate Employment and
Workplace Safety Subcommittee, released this statement following
the release of a presidential investigating panel’s report on the BP
oil spill:

disturbing report is a clear signal to Congress, the Administration, and
industry leaders that the status quo won’t do. It states clearly that the 11
deaths and massive gulf oil spill were preventable, and could be repeated
without immediate action. It is also a call to action to improve regulatory
agencies that for too long have been underfunded, understaffed, and unprepared
to oversee this highly complex industry.

our economy moving means keeping workers on the job. And to do that we have to
ensure a safe and secure workplace. Unfortunately, this report reveals that
threats to worker safety were not isolated to a small number of “rogue”
companies, but are widespread and commonplace within the oil and gas
industry. This is simply unacceptable.

believe that it’s time for industry to step up and take more of a leadership
role in safety, but I also believe that this can only be done in concert with a
stronger, unified regulatory system that ensures accountability and
balance. I will continue to fight to improve safety and reform the
regulatory environment in the oil and gas industry.”
