State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Urges Support for Small Business Innovation Bill, Contrasts Democratic and Republican Budget Proposals in Speech on Senate Floor

the speech

(Washington, D.C.) –
Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) spoke on the Senate floor to urge her
colleagues to support the reauthorization of the Small Business Innovation
Research Program that has been successfully creating jobs and boosting the
economy since it was signed into law in 1982. Murray talked about Infinia, a
Tri-Cities business that has received support from SBIR and has successfully
grown and added jobs.
And she urged her colleagues to support this
legislation to give innovative small businesses across the country the
certainty they need to expand and create jobs.

Senator Murray also
discussed the contrasts between the Republican and Democratic long-term
spending proposals. And she urged her colleagues to come together around the
Democrats’ plans to cut spending responsibly while not threatening our economic
recovery and continuing to make the investments we need to out-innovate,
out-educate, and out-build our competitors.

Key excerpts:

“…I strongly support
this long-term reauthorization of the Small Business Innovation Research
program, which supports research and development efforts by small businesses
that will allow them to grow and create jobs. And…I will continue working with
my colleagues to make sure we pass a budget for this year that cuts spending
responsibly while continuing to invest in programs that create jobs and boost
our economy.”

“…the Small Business
Innovation Research Program, or SBIR, is a bipartisan bill that has been
successfully creating jobs since it was signed into law by President Reagan in
1982.  The resources this program has provided to small businesses over
the years have led to new products, new ideas, and new innovations.  In
fact, small business tech firms that receive SBIR grants produce 38% of our
country’s patents, they employ 40% of America’s scientists and engineers, and
they have produced many of the most important innovations that have driven our
economy forward.”

“One company that’s
received support is a small business called Infinia, based in the Tri-Cities in
Washington state.  Infinia was founded in 1985 as an R&D firm, but
they’ve been able to successfully transition to commercial production and have
emerged as a leader in our state’s clean-tech industry. And with support from
SBIR and other programs, Infinia has been able to develop their products and
grow from 30 employees to over 150!  These are good, family-wage jobs in
the local community. And this is such a great example of what small businesses
can do with just a little bit of support.”

“…I’m hopeful that
moderate Republicans will say no to the extreme members of their party and come
to the table to work with us to pass a responsible, long-term budget that will
help us create jobs and invest in middle class families and workers across the
country. Because that’s what this is really all about—creating jobs, getting
our economy back on track, and setting our great country up for continued
success and prosperity now and in the future. That’s why this budget debate is
so important. And it’s why passing the Small Business Investment Research
Program is so critical.”

The full text of the
speech follows:

“Mr. President—we can’t
afford to stop focusing on the most important thing we can do right now for
families and small business owners across the county—and that is to continue
working to create jobs and boost the economy. 

“Last month, our economy
added over 200,000 private sector jobs, and the unemployment rate fell to the
lowest rate in two years.

“We have a long way to go,
but I am confident we have turned the corner and are moving in the right
direction. But we need to continue this progress. 

“That’s why I strongly support
this long-term reauthorization of the Small Business Innovation Research
program, which supports research and development efforts by small businesses
that will allow them to grow and create jobs.

“And it’s why I will
continue working with my colleagues to make sure we pass a budget for this year
that cuts spending responsibly while continuing to invest in programs that
create jobs and boost our economy.

“Mr. President, the Small
Business Innovation Research Program, or SBIR, is a bipartisan bill that has
been successfully creating jobs since it was signed into law by President
Reagan in 1982.

“The resources this
program has provided to small businesses over the years have led to new
products, new ideas, and new innovations.

“In fact, small business
tech firms that receive SBIR grants produce 38% of our country’s patents, they
employ 40% of America’s scientists and engineers, and they have produced many
of the most important innovations that have driven our economy forward.

“This program has been
especially important in my home state of Washington, where over 2,000 grants
have been awarded to small businesses, totaling close to $700 million.

“One company that’s
received support is a small business called Infinia, based in the Tri-Cities in
Washington state.

“Infinia was founded in
1985 as an R&D firm, but they’ve been able to successfully transition to
commercial production and have emerged as a leader in our state’s clean-tech

“And with support from
SBIR and other programs, Infinia has been able to develop their products and
grow from 30 employees to over 150!

“These are good,
family-wage jobs in the local community. And this is such a great example of
what small businesses can do with just a little bit of support.

“And Mr. President, there
are thousands of companies across the country with similar stories, that have
received a critical boost from SBIR.

“But unfortunately, the
Small Business Innovation Research Program has been operating under short-term
reauthorizations over the last few years, creating uncertainty that makes
planning  very difficult for companies that want to participate in the

“So I urge my colleagues
to support this long-term legislation that will help innovative small
businesses develop their products, expand, and create jobs.

“Mr. President, I also want
to mention another issue we are discussing on the floor this week because it is
directly connected to Senate Democrats’ efforts to get workers back on the job.
And that is the need to pass a long-term budget bill to keep the government
open through the end of the fiscal year.

“I am disappointed that
the same Republicans who came into office saying they would focus on the
economy, have put forward a damaging and short-sighted budget proposal that
would destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs, devastate workers and small
businesses across the country, and threaten to undermine our economic recovery.

“I am disappointed that at
a time when middle class families still need some support to get back on their
feet after the economic crisis, Republicans proposed a highly politicized,
slash-and-burn budget that would pull the rug out from under these families.

“And I am disappointed
that while Senate Democrats have put forward ideas to make responsible and
prudent budget cuts that will allow us to continue out-innovating,
out-educating, and out-building our competitors—Republicans proposed a budget
that would hack away at investments that strengthen our ability to compete now
and improve the quality of life for our children in the future.

“Their proposal would:
Slash education programs like Head Start; Decimate housing and economic development;
Eliminate community health centers that serve the most vulnerable families; And
cut off critical investments in our workers and infrastructure.

“And independent analysts
have said their plan would destroy up to 700,000 American jobs across the country—including
an estimated 15,000 in my home state of Washington.

“This would be absolutely
devastating—and we simply can’t afford to let it happen.

“That’s why, Mr. President,
Senate Democrats have put forward a proposal that goes in a very different

“Our plan would also cut
spending—billions of dollars, in fact—but it would do so in a responsible and
measured way that protects middle class families and doesn’t kill jobs.

“And it would continue
making the investments we need as a country to compete and win in the 21st
century economy.

“Unfortunately, we weren’t
able to pass our proposal—and now we have to pass a short-term funding bill to
keep the government from shutting down.

“But weekly spending bills
are no way to run a government.

“So I’m hopeful that
moderate Republicans will say no to the extreme members of their party and come
to the table to work with us to pass a responsible, long-term budget that will
help us create jobs and invest in middle class families and workers across the

“Because that’s what this
is really all about—creating jobs, getting our economy back on track, and
setting our great country up for continued success and prosperity now and in
the future.

“That’s why this budget
debate is so important. And it’s why passing the Small Business Investment
Research Program is so critical. 

“So I urge my colleagues
to support this reauthorization to support small business and invest in
innovation and growth in Washington state and across the country.

“Thank you. I yield the
