State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Votes Against Republican ‘Trifecta’ Bill

State Labor Department Analysis Reveals Flaws in Republican Trifecta Bill

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash) today announced her opposition to the short-sighted Trifecta bill being pushed by the Republican-controlled Senate. The bill is scheduled for a vote by the full Senate this week.

Senator Murray issued the following statement:

“The so-called, Republican ‘Trifecta’ bill is wrong for America because it would end up cutting the pay of many of the hardest working Americans. While there are provisions that I do support in this bill, I cannot vote for a Republican plan that plunges our nation further into debt while reducing the wages of our nation’s workers. This bill would hurt all Americans.

“I must oppose this bill because it directly overrides the will of Washington state voters. By initiative, Washington state residents supported a minimum wage law that keeps pace with inflation because we understand the needs of our working families and our communities. Passage of that initiative represented real progress and it continues to produce a positive impact on people’s lives in my state every day. I will not be part of an effort that turns back the clock on this important economic lifeline.

“The estate tax needs to be reformed. We need to restore fairness to our tax system by extending the deductibility of state sales tax. We need the R&D tax credit, and tuition tax deduction. And we need to help our timber communities. I support these measures, but we can’t afford them at just any cost.

“This bill is a reflection of the Congressional leadership’s priorities. The fact that this bill punishes hard working Americans is wrong – it is the wrong priority for our country, and it makes this the wrong bill at the wrong time for Washington state, our economy, and America’s workers.

“I’m especially disappointed in this cynical Republican ploy because I believe this bill could have met a different fate. Many of my Democratic colleagues – like me – want to see real progress made on many of the provisions contained in this bill. We stand ready to pass these popular tax provisions, a fair increase in the minimum wage, and even some form of estate tax reform that protects our long-term fiscal outlook – but the Republicans chose politics over good policy this week.”
