State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Votes to End to Taxpayer Subsidies for Corporations that Ship Jobs Overseas

(Washington, D.C.) –
Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) voted for the Creating American
Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act
, which would end tax loopholes that
encourage the off-shoring of jobs and provide a payroll tax cut for companies
that return jobs to the United States from overseas.
The bill failed to
advance on a vote of 53-45.

Click here for a
summary of the legislation

Senator Murray released
the following statement after the vote:

“I am extremely
disappointed that once again Senate Republicans have sided with corporate
executives and lobbyists and blocked legislation that would have helped workers
and families in Washington state and across the country get back on the job.

a time when middle-class families across Washington state are struggling to
find work, it doesn’t make sense for taxpayers to subsidize large corporations
for sending jobs overseas.  This legislation would have ended that—and it
would have also provided a strong incentive for companies to bring jobs right
back here to America, where our workers stand ready, willing, and able to fill

have met with enough workers in my home state of Washington—and I have seen
enough of what they have produced—to know we have the best workforce in the
world.  They are skilled, they are smart, they are hard-working—and they
are ready to get back on the job.

was a clear choice in the Senate today.  Do we stand with workers and
middle class families who are struggling to find jobs, put food on the table,
or stay in their homes? Or do we stand with the corporate executives and their
lobbyists who were fighting to kill this legislation to protect their
taxpayer-financed subsidies?

is clear where I stand. And once again, I am extremely disappointed that Senate
Republicans chose to take the other side.”
