State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Northwest Congressional Delegation, Snohomish County Executive Announce First FEMA Public Assistance Payment of $7.5 Million for SR530 Flooding and Landslide Response and Recovery Efforts

Funding that will go to Snohomish County represents a 75% reimbursement for costs they have submitted to the federal government 30 days into the recovery

Announcement comes as President, Congressional delegation, and local leaders tour the community, meet with victim’s families, and thank first responders

(Seattle, WA) – Today, Washington Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, Representatives Suzan DelBene and Rick Larsen, and Snohomish County Executive John Lovick announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will provide Snohomish County with $7,585,139 as part of its Public Assistance (PA) Grant Program. This funding represents the first payment as part of the PA program, which reimburses state and local governments for spending on recovery efforts in the aftermath of federally declared disasters.

“This funding is absolutely essential for Snohomish County at a time when they’ve had to use every resource available to respond to this disaster,” said Senator Murray. “This is exactly why the federal disaster designation was so important. In the face of disasters like this local officials should never have to think about the bottom line when dealing with response and recovery efforts.  This will be the first among a number of federal reimbursements that will come as the county and state tally up the resources that have been utilized to date.” 

“Today’s announcement is a critical step in helping the communities affected by the SR 530 mudslide rebuild and recover,” said Senator Cantwell. “As our first responders continue their important work, this announcement demonstrates the federal government’s long-term partnership in this recovery effort. As a delegation, we remain committed to ensuring the people of Oso, Darrington and Arlington have all the resources they need throughout this process.”

“Today’s announcement is an example of how the federal disaster designation can play a critical role in making sure that federal resources are harnessed to support the tremendous response and recovery efforts in the aftermath of this devastating tragedy,” said Rep. DelBene. “The long road to recovery is only just beginning, and today’s funding announcement will enable Snohomish County to continue their critical work with the assurance that federal funds will be provided to help the communities of Oso, Darrington and Arlington today, and for the long-term.”    

“Local officials who continue to work so hard on recovery efforts should not have to worry about the costs. FEMA is designed to assist communities in tragic circumstances like this one and I am pleased the federal government is moving quickly to provide funding for response and recovery,” Rep. Larsen said.

“We’ve put every effort into searching for victims and helping families affected by this tragedy. In the process, we’ve taxed our resources financially and logistically,” Snohomish County Executive John Lovick said. “We’re truly appreciative of this first installment of public assistance as we continue the important work ahead of us.”

For details on the FEMA public assistance program and the emergency response efforts that it reimburses, visit HERE –
