
SCHOOL SHOOTINGS: Senator Murray to Secretary DeVos: I Agree, Let’s Hold Hearings on School Shootings and Gun Safety

Secretary DeVos today: “Congress needs to be holding hearings on these issues” 

Senator Murray today: “I wholeheartedly agree”

Senator Murray commits to working with Chairman Alexander to set hearings up, invite Secretary DeVos to testify 

(Washington, D.C.)  – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), top Democrat on the Senate health committee, released the following statement in response to Secretary DeVos calling for Congressional hearings into school shootings.

“As a mother and a grandmother, I can’t imagine the shock and pain families in Florida are going through right now, and sadly those feelings are not new or rare in our country. Families across the country are tired of waiting for Congress to step up, have the tough conversations, and adopt common sense gun safety and other policies to end this scourge in our schools and communities, so I am very glad that Secretary DeVos has requested Congressional hearings on this issue and I wholeheartedly agree. I look forward to working with Chairman Alexander and other members of our committee overseeing education to invite Secretary DeVos and other witnesses to a hearing in our committee to push this conversation forward and move toward action.”
