State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray: “Republicans Have No Plan” If Their Effort to Strike Down Health Care for Millions Succeeds

As Republicans push forward with their partisan lawsuit, Texas v. United States, Senator Murray stood up for the millions of families in Washington state and across the country whose health coverage is on the line 

In a Senate floor speech, Senator Murray made clear that Republicans have no strategy to replace the vital health protections that would be taken away if their lawsuit succeeds

Senator Murray: “Republicans are going to go full steam ahead with this reckless lawsuit to strike down health care for millions, and without any plan for what to do if they win” 

Senator Murray: “Some Republicans have tried to dodge this fact by saying they’ll figure it out after they win… It’s about as comforting as an arsonist telling you he’ll figure out how to rebuild your house after he burns it down. Here’s an idea, how about Republicans put away the matches instead?”


(Washington, D.C.) – Today, in a speech from the Senate floor, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), the top Democrat on the Senate health committee, continued to blast Republicans for fighting in court to strike down health care protections for millions of patients and families, and highlighted the fact that Republicans have no plan to ensure people can get the care they need. Senator Murray’s remarks come as President Trump and Republican Attorneys General are arguing in a partisan lawsuit to strike down protections for people with pre-existing conditions, strip health care away from people who got their insurance through Medicaid expansion or the exchanges, kick young adults off their parents’ insurance before they turn 26, end protections that help rein in families’ health care costs, and more.

“Let’s be perfectly clear, Republicans have no plan for the patients who will lose coverage, no plan for the families who will see their health costs go up, no plan for people nationwide who rely on protections for pre-existing conditions that would be taken away,” said Senator Murray. “They have no plan for all the people who will be hurt by the damage they are fighting to cause. Families expect better, and they absolutely deserve better. This isn’t rocket science: People want us to protect their health care—not take it away.”

The speech is the most recent example of Senator Murray’s persistent work to prevent President Trump and Republicans from undermining health protections and coverage for millions of people and families in Washington state and across the country. Earlier this month, Senator Murray warned Republicans against proceeding with their reckless lawsuit, highlighting how devastating it could be for the millions of people who rely on pre-existing condition protections, essential health benefits, and Medicaid expansion for quality, reliable health coverage.

Watch Senator Murray’s speech HERE:

Read the full text of Senator Murray’s remarks:

“Thank you M. President.

“I come to the floor today to once again sound the alarm against Republicans’ efforts to throw the lives of millions of families into chaos and uncertainty, and to urge my colleagues to reverse course and join Democrats to protect people’s health care before it’s too late.

“A few weeks ago, President Trump and Republican Attorneys General argued in court to create a health care crisis for families across the country.

“If Republicans win their blatantly partisan lawsuit, the consequences could be sweeping and devastating.

“Tens of millions of people who have health coverage through Medicaid expansion, or the exchanges, could lose it, as could many young adults on their parent’s insurance.

“Over a hundred million people with pre-existing conditions could lose protections that stop insurance companies from charging them more, excluding benefits they need, or denying them coverage entirely.

“Patients could lose protections that require insurers to cover essential health benefits, like prescription drug costs, maternity care, emergency care, mental health care, and more.

“And limits on how much patients have to pay out-of-pocket could go away, while lifetime and annual caps on patient’s benefits could come back—even for those insured through their employers.

“Republicans have refused to acknowledge what’s actually at stake for the patients and families whose health they’re putting at risk.

“And they have made it all too clear that despite the horrible consequences they’re setting up, despite the lives they are throwing needlessly into jeopardy, Republicans are going to go full steam ahead with this reckless lawsuit to strike down health care for millions, and without any plan for what to do if they win.

“Some Republicans have tried to dodge this fact by saying they’ll figure it out after they win. That’s an incredibly telling, and incredibly alarming, position.

“And it’s about as comforting as an arsonist telling you he’ll figure out how to rebuild your house after he burns it down.

“Here’s an idea, how about Republicans put away the matches instead?

“Let’s be perfectly clear, Republicans have no plan for the patients who will lose coverage, no plan for the families who will see their health costs go up, no plan for people nationwide who rely on protections for pre-existing conditions that would be taken away.

“They have no plan for all the people who will be hurt by the damage they are fighting to cause.

“Families expect better, and they absolutely deserve better.

“This isn’t rocket science: People want us to protect their health care—not take it away.

“They want us to bring health costs down—not send them hurtling higher.

“They want us to fight for them—not against them.

“And yet Republicans have made the wrong choice time and time again.

“I once more call on my Republican colleagues to stop the chaos, work with Democrats, and let us fight for patients before it’s too late.

“The clock is ticking, and patients and families are watching closely.

“If Republicans and the Trump administration refuse to end this partisan lawsuit, families and patients will be the ones who suffer the consequences—and they won’t forget the Republicans who stood by and cheered as they let it happen.

“Thank you.”

