State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray Statement on President Biden’s American Jobs Plan

Senator Murray: “President Biden laid out a strong plan today for rebuilding our economy by investing first and foremost in the workers, families, and communities who keep our country running—rather than in huge corporations” 

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), the Chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, released the following statement on President Biden’s announcement of the American Jobs Plan.

“President Biden laid out a strong plan today for rebuilding our economy by investing first and foremost in the workers, families, and communities who keep our country running—rather than in huge corporations. It’s clear that with American workers struggling through the most unequal economic crisis in our nation’s history, we’ve got to create more good jobs in areas where we know our country is overdue for investment—like clean energy and transportation, and of course repairing our roads, bridges, waterways, ports and school buildings—all while ensuring workers have the free and fair choice to join a union and bargain collectively.

“We’ve also got to make sure no one is left behind if we want a real recovery, so I’m glad this plan targets resources to underserved communities to counter longstanding racial injustice in areas like housing, transportation, and air and water quality. It invests in home care workers who allow so many people with disabilities and older Americans to live independently, and calls for more child care providers, which will help women who’ve left the labor force due to lack of affordable child care options return to their jobs.

“The other, equally critical, part of rebuilding from COVID-19 that I care deeply about is making it easier for families to both support themselves and take care of themselves. As if it wasn’t already clear, COVID-19 showed us how dangerous it is that the vast majority of workers in the United States don’t have paid leave at work, and that so many people still struggle to afford health care. These and other investments directly in our students, workers and families will be essential to our recovery as a country.

“Through the pandemic, I’ve listened to Washington state students, parents, small businesses, workers, and families and brought their stories with me to make sure their values and priorities are heard in the other Washington. That’s exactly what I’ll keep doing as the work to rebuild stronger and fairer continues.”


