State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray Statement on President Trump’s Opioid Announcement

“[We] need this Administration to be a partner in fighting this epidemic and unfortunately today’s announcement is simply not enough”

(Washington, D.C.) –  U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), top Democrat on the Senate health committee, issued the following statement today on President Trump’s opioid announcement:

“The opioid epidemic is absolutely a public health crisis and an emergency—but what we heard from President Trump continues to fall short. What is actually needed to make a real difference for the countless patients and families in Washington state and across the country struggling every day from addiction are real, immediate resources to fight this battle on the ground.

“I had hoped today’s announcement would bring about a much-needed change of course, and that President Trump would finally commit to supporting the substantial new investments that states, communities, and hospitals are making very clear they need to make progress on this crisis. Unfortunately President Trump’s attempt at taking action would not give states the resources they need—and could even undermine other public health priorities like fighting HIV/AIDs and providing maternal care.

“Congress—and patients and families—need this Administration to be a partner in fighting this epidemic and unfortunately today’s announcement is simply not enough.” 
