State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray to Fight New Food and Drug Administration Policy Allowing Importation of “Frankenfish”

SEATTLE—Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) issued the following statement on the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) announcement that it will no longer block importation of genetically engineered salmon.

“Imported, genetically engineered salmon are a serious threat to our state’s wild salmon populations, which are a source of pride and an important part of our culture and economy. I’ve fought every step of the way to keep ‘Frankenfish’ away from Washington state, and the Administration should know I will continue to fight to protect wild Pacific salmon and Washington consumers.”

Senator Murray has consistently worked across the aisle to ensure both safety of native fish stocks and transparency for consumers by preventing genetically engineered salmon from entering the Washington state market. Her efforts include sponsoring legislation and successfully adding protections to numerous government funding bills that require clear labeling of lab-created fish and a full environmental analysis of the threat they could pose to Washington state’s salmon populations.  FDA has decided to pass responsibility to the United States Department of Agriculture, which imposed inadequate labeling requirements for genetically engineered salmon last month.
