State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray’s Statement on the Passing of Norm Maleng

“Seattle, King County, and the entire Pacific Northwest have lost a fine statesman in the passing of Norm Maleng. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends during this difficult time.

“Norm was known by all who knew him as a fair, honest and thoughtful leader. Like most people, I am hard pressed to recall who else held his position – the King County Prosecutor was always Norm Maleng.

“For all who held public office, Norm was an icon. And for me personally – despite our party differences – he was a constant voice of reason and evenhandedness.

“King County residents could count on the knowledge that whatever issue came before him, Norm would handle it with integrity. No matter the scope or profile of the case, we all breathed easier knowing that Norm Maleng was in charge and that justice would be served.

“Norm was a role model for all of us. He treated everyone equally and fairly. He approached every case and every challenge with wisdom and dignity. His voice will be missed. For me, he will always be the King County Prosecutor.”
