Port Security: Murray Urges White House to Fund New Port Security Law in It’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2008
October 13, 2006
Senator Tells Budget Director the White House Should Affirm Its Commitment to Port Security
President Signs Murray’s Port Security Bill into Law
October 13, 2006
Murray’s 5 year effort results in new law that will protect ports, secure cargo, and safeguard American lives and the U.S. economy
Murray’s Port Security Bill Goes to the President
September 29, 2006
After 5 years, the GreenLane Act will finally be signed into law
Murray’s tenacity pays off in legislation that will protect ports, secure cargo, and safeguard American lives and the U.S. economy
Murray Announces Approval of Homeland Security Funds for Washington State Security Needs
September 29, 2006
Funding will protect state’s ports, nuclear facilities and tourist attractions