State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

“This Isn’t Over”: Senator Murray’s Statement on Paycheck Fairness Vote

Senator Murray indicates that Senate Democrats will not let this issue go away anytime soon

“This isn’t over. Equal pay for equal work is going to remain at the forefront of our agenda in the months ahead and we aren’t going to let Republicans off the hook on an issue this important. This won’t be the last time they have to go home to their constituents and explain that they don’t think this is a worthy issue or something that actually impacts women.

“The truth is that women do care deeply about this lingering injustice. They make up nearly half of our workforce and, more than ever, are likely to be the primary breadwinner in their families. Women are making a difference across our economy, in board rooms and lecture halls and small businesses. At a time when more and more families rely on women’s wages to put food on the table, stay in their homes, build a nest egg for retirement, and help pay for their children’s education — it is absolutely critical that we do more to eliminate pay discrimination and unfairness in the workplace. It’s time for Republicans to stop discounting women and give them the fair shot they truly deserve.”
