State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

VIDEO: Senator Murray Reacts to Supreme Court Hearings for Judge Barrett: “Just because Judge Barrett refuses to answer questions doesn’t mean her record isn’t clear”

Live on Twitter, Senator Murray shared key takeaways from the first day of questioning of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett 

Senator Murray highlighted how Judge Barrett and Senate Republicans dodged questions about Judge Barrett’s extreme views on reproductive health, vital rights and protections, and more 

Senator Murray: “What was perhaps most striking was how Judge Barrett—and Senate Republicans—have tried to distance themselves from her record, and what they know the consequences of appointing her to the Supreme Court would mean for the future of health care, safe and legal abortion, and more”

Senator Murray also shared personal stories from Washingtonians concerned about Judge Barrett’s extreme anti-health care, anti-reproductive health record 

Senator Murray: Future of safe, legal abortion “something Judge Barrett has made clear she adamantly opposes and could absolutely be overturned by a conservative majority on the Supreme Court—no matter what Judge Barrett did or didn’t say during today’s hearing” 

Senator Murray: “Stopping this won’t be easy, and may even sound unbelievable. But just like when we defeated Trumpcare, I know that working together—harder than we ever have before—can make the impossible, possible.”

ICYMI: “With Health Care and Reproductive Rights at Stake, Senator Murray Launches Story Drive to Help Washingtonians Speak Out Against Republicans’ Rushed SCOTUS Nomination” – MORE HERE


Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Patty Murray, the top Democrat on the Senate health committee, highlighted Trump Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett and Senate Republicans’ refusal to answer for her partisan judicial record during Judge Barrett’s first day of questioning by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. On Twitter, Senator Murray livestreamed her reaction to the day’s events and Judge Barrett’s responses. In her remarks, Senator Murray expressed her alarm at Judge Barrett’s refusal to commit to uphold the precedent set by Roe v. Wade, or confirm that she would recuse herself—if confirmed—from any cases regarding the outcome of the election. Senator Murray also shared her deep concern about Judge Barrett’s remarks regarding systemic racism and sexual orientation, and the efforts throughout the hearing by Judge Barrett and Senate Republicans to obfuscate Judge Barrett’s troublesome record.  

“But what was perhaps most striking was how Judge Barrett—and Senate Republicans—have tried to distance themselves from her record, and what they know the consequences of appointing her to the Supreme Court would mean for the future of health care, safe and legal abortion, and more,” Senator Murray said. “Just because Judge Barrett refuses to answer questions doesn’t mean her record isn’t clear—that’s precisely why she was nominated, and why now Senate Republicans are dancing around the litmus tests they created.”

In response to Judge Barrett’s persistent dodging of questions about her previous statements opposing legal rulings that uphold vital health care protections—including her past remarks challenging the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act and the historic precedent in Roe v. Wade—Senator Murray also lifted up stories collected from Washingtonians laying out their concerns about how Judge Barrett would undermine affordable health care, protections for pre-existing health conditions, and access to safe, legal abortion if appointed to the nation’s highest court.

“Judge Barrett is all but guaranteed to be the deciding vote to push the Supreme Court to a 6-3 conservative majority and overturn the Affordable Care Act—which would eliminate pre-existing conditions protections and send health care expenses skyrocketing,” Senator Murray added after sharing stories from two Washington state constituents who are frightened by the impact Judge Barrett’s appointment to the Supreme Court would have on the future of affordable health care and other vital rights.

Senator Murray has been vocal in her strong opposition to Judge Barrett’s nomination and Senate Republicans’ rushed, brazen process to try and fill Justice Ginsburg’s Supreme Court seat in the middle of an election; recently, she reiterated her call for Senate Republicans to refocus on working with Democrats to pass much-needed federal pandemic relief that will help struggling families, students, small business, Tribes, and more weather the on-going public health and economic crises caused by the COVID-19 virus. In addition to fighting hard against Judge Barrett’s nomination, Senator Murray has continued to encourage people in Washington state and across the country to raising their voices against Judge Barrett’s extreme record, in order to push Senate Republicans to honor the will of the American people and allow the next president to replace Justice Ginsburg.

Watch video of Senator Murray’s full reaction HERE.

Key excerpts from Senator Murray’s remarks below, as prepared for delivery:

“Today’s questioning unpacked a lot of Judge Barrett’s most troubling and extreme views: how she refused to commit to uphold the precedent set by Roe v. Wade, or confirm that she would recuse herself—if confirmed—from any cases regarding the outcome of the election. I was also very concerned about what her use of the term ‘sexual preference’ indicated about her personal views on the LGBTQIA+ community—and what that could mean for their hard-fought rights. And her responses to Senator Booker’s important questions about how she would approach issues of systemic racism in our laws and statues only deepened my concern about how Judge Barrett’s views, if confirmed to our nation’s highest court, might undermine future efforts to stop racial injustice.

“But what was perhaps most striking was how Judge Barrett—and Senate Republicans—have tried to distance themselves from her record, and what they know the consequences of appointing her to the Supreme Court would mean for the future of health care, safe and legal abortion, and more. Just because Judge Barrett refuses to answer questions doesn’t mean her record isn’t clear—that’s precisely why she was nominated, and why now Senate Republicans are dancing around the litmus tests they created.

“Lori says Judge Barrett is against affordable health care, which ‘allows many families like ours to have health insurance—including our son,’ who she says suffered a head injury in an accident, and was only able to get coverage after the passage of the Affordable Care Act. This—protections for people with pre-existing conditions—is such an important point that Lori raised, and one of the reasons I’m working so hard against Judge Barrett’s nomination. President Trump and Republicans have been trying for years now—through legislation and in the courts—to get rid of affordable health care, including protections for pre-existing conditions. In fact, the Supreme Court will hear a case right after the election brought by President Trump and Republicans that could upend health care for families across the country, and Judge Barrett is all but guaranteed to be the deciding vote to push the Supreme Court to a 6-3 conservative majority and overturn the Affordable Care Act—which would eliminate pre-existing conditions protections and send health care expenses skyrocketing.

“Another constituent—an 80-year old woman in Tacoma—wrote me this: ‘I am very worried that all the progress I’ve seen with women’s reproductive rights will be dismantled if a right wing conservative is rammed through before the inauguration.’ So am I; the threat Judge Barrett poses to affordable health care is frightening, but her anti-reproductive health record is equally dangerous to the future of safe, legal abortion in the country—something Judge Barrett has made clear she adamantly opposes and could absolutely be overturned by a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, no matter what Judge Barrett did or didn’t say during today’s hearing.

“It’s why I’m going to keep fighting tooth and nail in the Senate to stop Republicans’ charade of a serious process, and why all of us must stand together and raise our voices against this until Republicans are forced to stop and listen. I’m going to keep lifting up stories like these, and encouraging everyone to make your voices heard. Stopping this won’t be easy, and may even sound unbelievable. But just like when we defeated Trumpcare, I know that working together—harder than we ever have before—can make the impossible, possible.”
