State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Why Health Insurance Reform Can’t Wait

Health Care: Meeting with 11
Year Old Marcelas Owens

Tuesday, I sat down
with Marcelas Owens, a Washington state boy whose story illustrateSenator Murray Meets with Marcelas Owens.s the
importance of providing health insurance reform. I first met Marcelas
during a health care rally last June where he told me that his mother had passed away from Pulmonary Hypertension after losing her health
care when she lost her job. I shared Marcelas’ story with President
Obama during the health care reform summit last month and on the Senate
floor and was excited to have him come to Washington, D.C. 

VIDEO: Watch a video
on Marcelas’ trip to Washington D.C.


Economy: Extending Unemployment
Insurance and Increasing Relief

On Wednesday, I helped pass the American Workers, State,
and Business Relief Act
that includes Medicaid assistance to help
reduce the state budget deficit, provides a safety net for those
struggling to get back to work, helps more families afford health
insurance, incentivizes businesses to grow and hire and gives
Washington taxpayers the fairness they deserve. – Details


Reauthorizing Summer
Jobs Program

On Tuesday, I went to the Senate floor to speak in support
of my amendment that would expand and extend the extremely successful
summer jobs program that has created hundreds of thousands of jobs,
provided a boost to the economy, and changed the lives of so many young
people around the country. Unfortunately, Republican Senators
obstructed passage of my amendment showing once again that they care
more about scoring political points than putting people to work – Details

drops funding for summer jobs program and enhanced subsidies for poor
families with children”

– Huffington Post


Howard Hanson and Columbia River

On Thursday, I pressed top officials from the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers on critical issues for Washington state families,
including plans to fix the Howard Hanson Dam and bolster the Columbia
River jetties. I received assurance that the study being conducted on
the Howard Hanson Dam would meet the critical June deadline, which is
necessary for the project to be eligible for Fiscal Year 2012
construction funding. I also stressed the importance of including funds
to bolster the Columbia River jetties. – Details

assures Sen. Murray that Hanson Dam study will hit critical June
– Auburn Reporter


Caring for Service
Members and their Families

On Wednesday, I questioned the Surgeons General and Nurse
Corps leadership from the Army, Navy and Air Force on the health care
needs of our men and women in uniform. I focused my questioning on the
needs of National Guard members including those in the 81st Brigade
headquartered in Washington. I also discussed help for military
families including those at Fort Lewis and worked to get answers on
what steps are being taken to address the rise in military suicides.


Housing: Examining the
Housing Crisis and Foreclosures in Washington State

On Thursday, I questioned Housing Secretary Shaun Donovan on
the Administration’s efforts to stem the tide of the housing and
foreclosure crisis in Washington state. I paid
particular attention to the difficulties Washington state has faced in
areas like Pierce and Clark Counties where foreclosure rates have
skyrocketed and home values have declined.
