State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

With 50 Days Until Next Budget Deadline, Murray Reiterates Call for Another Responsible Bipartisan Budget Deal

Murray highlights potential impact of budget cuts on Washington state families, communities


“I am going to continue making sure that the values and priorities of Washington state families, workers, students, and seniors are heard loud and clear”


(Washington, D.C.)—Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray released the following statement reiterating the importance of reaching another bipartisan budget deal with 50 days to go until the next budget deadline.


“With just fifty days until the next budget deadline, it’s long past time for Republicans to work with us on another fair and responsible budget that works for families and communities in Washington state and across the country. I am going to continue making sure that the values and priorities of Washington state families, workers, students, and seniors are heard loud and clear in this process—and I am hoping that the Republicans in control of Congress don’t once again push us to the brink of another completely unnecessary crisis.


“If Republicans are willing to push the Tea Party aside to work with us then I am confident that we can reach another deal—because we did it before. After Republicans shut down the government in 2013, I was proud to work with Republican Chairman Paul Ryan on a two-year bipartisan budget deal that restored investments in education, health care, research, defense jobs, and other Washington state priorities. It gave businesses, workers, and communities in Washington state some certainty to plan ahead and not worry about another looming budget crisis or across the board cuts for the two years it was in effect. And it proved that Democrats and Republicans can work together and get things done.


“Budgets are more than just numbers on a page, and the outcome of this debate will have serious impacts on Washington state families and communities. Now that my bipartisan budget deal has expired, Washington state faces the prospect of federal cuts to investments in schools, medical and scientific research at our universities, and support for our most vulnerable families. If the automatic budget cuts aren’t fixed again, kids could get cut off from Head Start, seniors may not be able to access Meals on Wheels, defense workers at bases from JBLM to Fairchild could see job cuts or more furloughs—and the list of impacts in communities across Washington state goes on.


“Republicans control Congress and it will be up to them to decide if they want to work with us between now and December 11th or stay in their partisan corner. It goes without saying that they also need to avoid pushing us into a debt limit crisis between now and then, which would only hurt our economy and budget—and that whether or not the federal government pays its bills is not up for negotiation and shouldn’t be up for debate. But I am making it very clear, once again, that I am willing to work with anyone, from any party, who is willing to work with me to get results and make government work better for Washington state families.”


At the end of 2013, Senator Murray worked with Republicans to pass the two-year Bipartisan Budget Act. Her budget deal expired on October 1st.
