
Following Senator Murray’s Push, Walgreens and CVS Announce Sale of Mifepristone

ICYMI: Murray, Stabenow, Colleagues Press Walgreens, Put National Pharmacies on Notice to Ensure Mifepristone Access – More AQUÍ

ICYMI: Senator Murray Statement on 147 Republicans in Congress Asking Supreme Court to Deny Patients Access to Mifepristone, Upend FDA’s Authority to Do Its Job – More AQUÍ

Washington DC - Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), a senior member and former chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, issued the following statement in response to an announcement by Walgreens and CVS that mifepristone will be available with a prescription at pharmacy counters in select states, expanding to all states where legal in the coming weeks and months. Last year, Senator Murray led the push to pressure national pharmacies to provide the strongest possible access to mifepristone for patients and to communicate clearly about their plans and policies. Senator Murray’s letter to Walgreens is AQUÍ and her letter to CVS is AQUÍ.

“This is good news for women in my home state of Washington and in so many other states where abortion remains legal and protected. Mifepristone is absolutely essential to reproductive health care, but right now it is under threat by anti-choice extremists doing everything they can to pull it off the shelves nationwide. I’m glad Walgreens and CVS have heeded my call to provide the strongest possible access to this vital medication at a time of immense need—and I’ll be keeping a close eye to make sure that pharmacies everywhere, wherever mifepristone is legal, are fulfilling their obligations to patients and the law.

“Let’s not forget that a new Trump administration would do everything in its power to rip away access to mifepristone—meanwhile Democrats are fighting to make abortion legal and accessible everywhere in America.”

El Senador Murray ha liderado la lucha en el Congreso para proteger los derechos reproductivos de los estadounidenses y también ha luchado para proteger y ampliar la capacidad de las pacientes para obtener abortos con medicamentos. Ella empujado para ampliar el acceso a la mifepristona a medida que el COVID-19 se propagó por primera vez en los EE. UU. y obstruido Los intentos de los republicanos por frenar el acceso a ella en plena pandemia. senador murray aplaudió El anuncio anterior de la FDA de que eliminaría las barreras onerosas para este medicamento y ha subrayado that access to medications like mifepristone, which has a strong track record of safety and effectiveness, should be based on science, not politics. Most recently, Senator Murray led Congressional Democrats in presentación de un amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to reverse a dangerous lower court ruling that would restrict access to mifepristone nationwide and upend the FDA approval process for all kinds of lifesaving medications.

Senator Murray has always fought to make reproductive health care more accessible and affordable for women everywhere–beating back countless Republican attempts to defund Planned Parenthood and other family planning services a lo largo de su carrera, y se le atribuye ampliamente haber presionado con éxito a la administración Bush para que siguiera la ciencia y hiciera Plan B disponible en el mostrador.

