State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Statement on Congressional Budget Office’s Monthly Budget Review

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Today, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D-WA) released the following statement on the Congressional Budget Office’s Monthly Budget Review for September 2014:

“Today’s announcement from the Congressional Budget Office on the deficit for fiscal year 2014 offers more evidence that our fiscal outlook has continued to improve, with deficits falling by two-thirds in the last five years and by nearly $200 billion since last year. With a strengthened fiscal outlook in the near and medium term, we have the opportunity to focus on our other growing deficits in job-creating areas like education, infrastructure, and innovation while finding ways to tackle our long-term debt, including ending special tax breaks for the biggest corporations and continuing to work to bend the health care cost curve responsibly without shifting costs onto seniors and families.

“I was proud to pass the two-year Bipartisan Budget Act with Chairman Ryan that helped roll back harmful cuts to investments in jobs and growth, and I hope that going forward, we can build on this bipartisan foundation and take a fair and responsible approach to address all our deficits.”
