State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senate Passes Pro-Growth Budget Plan

Senator Murray Reads to Students at Denise Louie Education Center

Last month the Senate passed our Fiscal Year 2014 budget. I am proud of the work we did in the Budget Committee and on the Senate floor to write, debate, and pass this responsible budget that puts the economy and the middle class first while tackling the deficit and debt responsibly and keeping the promises made to seniors, families, and communities. I want to especially thank the many people across the country who shared their stories, ideas, and priorities with us as we put this budget together.

While it is clear that the policies, values, and priorities of the Senate budget are very different than those articulated in the House budget, I know the American people are expecting us to work together to end the gridlock and find common ground, and I plan to continue doing exactly that.  I am confident that if Republicans join Democrats at the table and are truly ready to compromise, we can get to the balanced and bipartisan deal that the American people expect and deserve.

Read a summary of the Senate Budget plan.

“Murray, Ryan break bread first, federal budget stalemate later”
– The Olympian

Impact of Sequestration, Senate Budget on Washington State

After passing the Senate budget, I was able to return to Washington to meet with constituents to discuss ways the budget would directly impact them.   I visited a fire station in Tacoma to discuss how the Senate budget would help military civilian employees and their families in the wake of sequestration. I heard directly from military civilian employees about how sequestration has already impacted them, specifically due to cuts to critical defense programs.  I  highlighted the ways the Senate budget would ensure that any cuts made will not come at the expense of military civilian employees and their families.   I also visited Michael Anderson Elementary School on Fairchild Air Force Base in Spokane and Denise Louie Education Center in Seattle to discuss how the Senate budget would help military families and early learning programs.  I met with military families, students, and teachers and talked about the impact the federal budget has on the everyday lives of Washington families, especially on education and economic issues.

At each of these events,  I continued to stress the need for a balanced approach to addressing our current budget challenges that takes into consideration the need to invest in the middle-class and the resources that will help Washington state grow.   I will use the stories I heard at these events to continue fighting for a balanced approach in the other Washington.

“Senator Murray hosts roundtable on sequester with Fairchild families” – KREM

“Air base school could feel federal cuts” – The Spokesman Review

3rd Anniversary of Affordable Care Act, Washington State Impacts

Three years ago, the Affordable Care Act was signed into law – a huge victory for the health care security and stability of Washington families. For three years, families and small business owners have benefited from better access and a health care system that no longer works only for those who can afford it. The Affordable Care Act will help put health care decisions in the hands of patients and their doctors, and soon insurance companies will be forced to compete for the business of Washington state families.

Because of the Affordable Care Act over 62,000 young adults in Washington have been allowed to keep their health coverage, the Medicare ‘donut hole’ has been closed, giving tens of thousands of Washington seniors increased assistance for prescription drug coverage, and hundreds of thousands of patients will access free preventative services like mammograms and colonoscopies.  I am so proud of all that the Affordable Care Act has done and will continue to do for Washington state.

Read more.

Find information about how health reform is making a difference for the people of Washington.

San Juan Islands Designated National Monument

Two weeks ago, President Obama and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced that lands in the San Juan Islands have been designated as a National Monument. This announcement ensures that nearly 1,000 acres of cherished lands in the San Juan Islands will join our nation’s most iconic parks, wildlife refuges, and landmarks as a permanent, federally protected national monument. From the bluffs on Stuart Island to Watmough Bay, the San Juan Islands are home to some of our nation’s most beautiful and important natural resources.  I applaud President Obama for making this designation and thank Secretary Salazar for his incredible leadership to protect this beloved region.

Read more.

“Nearly 1,000 acres in San Juan Islands now a national monument” – Q13

“Murray, Cantwell to Obama: We want San Juans monument NOW”
– Seattle PI

Protecting Our Workers

Every worker, in every industry, deserves to be confident that while they are working hard and doing their jobs, their employers are doing everything they can to protect them.  That is why I was so proud to reintroduce the Protecting America’s Workers Act (PAWA) last month.  This legislation is a long-overdue update to the OSH Act, and a good step towards making workplaces safer and healthier across America.  PAWA works to address workplace injuries, illnesses and deaths, which have remained persistent despite the administration of the OSH Act. Specifically, PAWA expands OSH Act protections to include state, county, municipal and U.S. government employees; it increases whistleblower protections, so workers can sound the alarm on unsafe working conditions without fear of retaliation; and improves OSHA reporting, inspection, and enforcement. These improvements will help the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ensure safe and healthful work environments in industries that have outpaced decades old government regulation. I look forward to getting this critical legislation passed.

Read more.

“Senate Dems line up behind worker protection bill” – The Hill

Twitter Round-Up

Twiitter Roundup -  April 8, 2013 - Final
